Thermomix Sourdough Loaf

Make your own Thermomix Sourdough Loaf with our simple step-by-step recipe using starter, flour, water and salt.
It has certainly been the year of the sourdough! In what has become the biggest baking trend, it’s ALL about nurturing your sourdough starter and making it into delicious sourdough loaves.
What You Need
To make a loaf of sourdough using your Thermomix, you’ll need:
sourdough starter (get some starter from a friend or make your own)Bakers flour or strong bread floursaltwater
Proving The Dough
It’s important to allow the dough to prove twice before baking.
First Prove
Place the dough into a lightly greased Pyrex bowl or a ThermoServer. Cover with a lid or tea towel and allow to rest at room temperature for 4 hours.
After 4 hours, knock the dough back down to remove the air and form into a tight ball.
Second Prove
Place the dough ball back into the bowl or Thermoserver, cover with a lid or tea towel and allow to prove for an additional 3-4 hours.
Note: Alternatively (and for an even better sourdough), you can do the second prove by placing the covered bowl into the fridge overnight.
Cooking The Sourdough
Pyrex Bowl Method
Place the dough onto a lightly dusted baking tray.
Use a very sharp knife to create tiny slits in the top of the dough.
Place a pyrex bowl over the top of the dough (to create a dome with the bread inside) and bake according to the instructions in ...
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