Linda’s Crustless Baked Cheesecake

Sometime’s the simplest things are the best, like this delicious crustless baked cheesecake!
I know it’s been a while in between reader recipes but this one is an absolute cracker so I’ve been saving it for Christmas.
Linda is my ex-sister-in-law’s mum (it’s complicated) but although we’re not technically related, I still consider her family because friends are the family that you choose for yourself, amirite or amirite"
Since we’ve lived down under we’ve been lucky enough to celebrate a number of high days and holidays with Linda and her family and so I have tried, tested and salivated over many of her dishes although I have to say this cheesecake is the tops.
As it happens, my neighbour Luce has been begging me to make a crustless cheesecake because her ‘bridge ladies’ can’t chomp through the crust. I argued “was a cheesecake without a crust even a cheesecake"” but now I’ve made this, I can definitely vouch that it is. I first discovered this cheesecake when Linda made it for my niece’s bat-mitzvah and I knew I had to try this one at home. Now if you’re a baked-cheesecake-with-a-biscuit-base lover like I used to be, I totally get that you might be sceptical of a crustless cheesecake but don’t be!
The cheesecake is so simple to make and although the baking time is relatively quick, you do need time to leave it in the oven with the door closed...
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