How to separate egg yolks and whites using the Thermomix

Separating eggs using your #Thermomix lid! The whites fall into the TM bowl ready to make pavlova (my fool proof recipe is in my thermo cookbook ?Recipes from our Cooking School?), while I set the yolks aside ready for a batch of Mexican hollandaise for tomorrow?s breakfast (recipe in my thermomix cookbook ?Everyday Thermo Cooking?). Or use the yolks to make a creamy custard! But whatever you do, don?t waste them - a little feathered friend has provided you the ultimate gift ??? (and please buy real free-range eggs; supermarket-accredited ?free range? couldn?t be further from an ethical choice. Look for outdoor stocking densities of less than 1,500 hens per hectare... and if it doesn?t say, that?s usually your answer.)
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Cookidoo® Tutorials - Video 2, Searching for Recipes |
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25-05-2024 11:01 - (
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25-05-2024 11:01 - (
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